Introduction to Smart Grid - Oct 7th exam - score has been published.
- Login with the course enrolled mail id.
- Clicking on the course name will redirect to the score board.
- Click on Exam Scores - Both the Assignment scores and Exam score will be displayed.
- Final score is the certification score
Calculation Logic for each course is provided in the same page.
Note: For each course, reporting of issues comes with its own deadline (date and time) check the exam score/e-certificate as soon as you receive our notification.
Once the certificates are printed, reprint of certificates with corrections will be done only by paying additional fees.
To check the status of scores and e-certificates:
E-certificates will be available in 3 days after the release of the scores.
You will be informed via mail and SMS about the release of the results and the release of e-certificates
If you are unable to see the scores/e-certificates, please write to
If you want to bring any specific issues wrt the scores/e-certificates to our attention, you can file the issue in (
Feedback for Introduction to Smart Grid
Solution for Assignment 8
The solutions for assignments- 8 for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart Grid” have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
The links for the solution for the assignment is given below:
Solution for Assignment-8
Happy Learning TAs
Reevaluation of Assignment 1 (Q9) and Assignment 5 (Q1)
Dear Learners
The reevaluation for Assignment 1 (Question 9) and Assignment 5 (Question 1) have been done. You can see the score change for those assignment in the progress tab. Thanks a lot for your kind patience and cooperation.
Thanks with regards
Solution for Assignment 7
The solutions for
assignments- 7 for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart Grid” have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
The links for the solution for the assignment is given below:
Solution for Assignment-7
Hope you have a good learning experience with this course.
Happy Learning TAs
Reevaluation of the Question 3 of Assignment 6
Dear Students,
In response to the concern raised in the answer key of the question 3 of assignment 6. We have scraped this particular question and reevaluated the assignment. You can also observe this in the assignment 6 (in front of the question 3 it is mentioned 0 point). Thanks a lot for your kind patience and cooperation.
Thanks with regards
Introduction to Smart Grid : Hall ticket for October 07, 2018 NPTEL Online Certification exams is now available for download
Solution for Assignment 6
The solutions for assignments- 6 for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart Grid” have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
The links for each solutions for the assignments are given below:
Solution for Assignment-6:
Hope you have a good learning experience with this course.
Happy Learning TAs
Week 8 video and assignment has been released for the course Introduction to Smart Grid
The Eighth week's lecture videos, text version
of the videos and assignment for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart
Grid” have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
There are five video lectures. After watching
these lectures, answer the week 8 assignment questions and submit on or before
the submission date i.e. 03-10-2018, 23:59 IST.
You may access the content from the home page of
the course, once you are logged in. You may use the link c
to access the assignment. You
may use the discussion forum for your queries related to the course.
Hope you have a good learning experience with this
Happy Learning TAs
Exam and Certificate Format :Introduction to Smart Grid
Solutions for assignment-1,2 and 3 have been uploaded
The solutions
for assignments-1,2 and 3 for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart
Grid” have been uploaded
on the NPTEL portal.
The links for
each solutions for the assignments are given below:
Solution for
Solution for
Solution for
Hope you have
a good learning experience with this course.
Learning TAs
Week 7 video and assignment has been released for the course Introduction to Smart Grid
Dear Student,
The seventh week's lecture videos, text version
of the videos and assignment for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart
Grid” have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
There are five video lectures. After watching
these lectures, answer the week 7 assignment questions and submit on or before
the submission date i.e. 26-09-2018, 23:59 IST.
You may access the content from the home page of
the course, once you are logged in.You may use the link to access the assignment. You may use the discussion
forum for your queries related to the course.
Hope you have a good learning experience with
this course.
Happy Learning TAs
Solutions for Assignment 4 and 5
The solutions for assignments- 4 and 5 for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart Grid” have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
The links for each solutions for the assignments are given below:
Solution for Assignment-4:
Solution for Assignment-5:
Hope you have a good learning experience with this course.
Happy Learning TAs
Feedback for the course "Introduction to Smart Grid"
Week 6 video and assignment has been released for the course Introduction to Smart Grid
Dear Student,
The sixth week's lecture videos, text version of the videos
and assignment for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart Grid”
have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
There are five video lectures. After watching these
lectures, answer the week 6 assignment questions and submit on or before the
submission date i.e. 19-09-2018, 23:59 IST.
You may access the content from the
home page of the course, once you are logged in.You may use the link
to access the assignment.You may use the discussion forum for your queries related to
the course.
Hope you have a good learning experience with this course.
Happy Learning TAs
Regarding Server issue for exam registration.
Week 5 video and assignment has been released for the course Introduction to Smart Grid
Dear Student,
The fifth week's lecture videos, text version of the videos and assignment for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart Grid" have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
There are five video lectures. After watching these lectures, answer the week 4 assignment questions and submit on or before the submission date i.e. 12-09-2018, 23:59 IST. You may access the content from the home page of the course, once you are logged in. You may use the link to access the assignment.
You may use the discussion forum for your queries related to the course.
Hope you have a good learning experience with this course
Happy Learning
Exam Registration extended till Sep 3, 2018!!
Week 4 video and assignment has been released for the course Introduction to Smart Grid
Dear Student,
The fourth week's lecture videos, text version of the videos and assignment for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart Grid" have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
There are five video lectures. After watching these lectures, answer the week 4 assignment questions and submit on or before the submission date i.e. 12-09-2018, 23:59 IST. You may access the content from the home page of the course, once you are logged in. You may use the link to access the assignment.
You may use the discussion forum for your queries related to the course.
Hope you have a good learning experience with this course
Happy Learning,
Week 2 Feedback Form for the course "Introduction to Smart Grid"
Introduction to Smart Grid : Due dates for Assignment 2 and 3 Extended!!
Week 3 video and assignment has been released for the course Introduction to Smart Grid
Dear Student,
The third week's lecture videos, text version of the videos and assignment for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart Grid" have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
There are five video lectures. After watching these lectures, answer the week 3 assignment questions and submit on or before the submission date i.e. 29-08-2018, 23:59 IST. You may access the content from the home page of the course, once you are logged in. You may use the link to access the assignment.
You may use the discussion forum for your queries related to the course.
Hope you have a good learning experience with this course
Happy Learning,
Week-1 Feedback Form for the course "Introduction to Smart Grid"
Dear learner
Thank you for enrolling to this NPTEL course and we
hope you have gone through the contents for this week and also attempted
the assignment.
We value your feedback and wish to know how you
found the videos and the questions asked - whether they were easy,
difficult, as per your expectations, etc
We shall use this to make the course better and we can also know from the feedback which concepts need more explanation, etc.
do spare some time to give your feedback - comprises just 5 questions -
should not take more than a minute, but makes a lot of difference for
us as we know what the learners feel.
Here is the link to the form:
Thank you.
- NPTEL team
Week 2 video and assignment has been released for the course Introduction to Smart Grid
Dear Student,
The second week's lecture videos, text version of the videos and assignment for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart Grid" have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
There are five video lectures. After watching these lectures, answer the week 2 assignment questions and submit on or before the submission date i.e. 22-08-2018, 23:59 IST. You may access the content from the home page of the course, once you are logged in. You may use the link to access the assignment.
You may use the discussion forum for your queries related to the course.
Hope you have a good learning experience with this course
Happy Learning,
Introduction to Smart Grid: NPTEL signs MOU with AICTE for Faculty Development Program
Week 1 video and assignment has been released for the course Introduction to Smart Grid
Dear Student,
The first week's lecture videos, text version of the videos and assignment for the NPTEL course "Introduction to Smart Grid" have been uploaded on the NPTEL portal.
There are five video lectures. After watching these lectures, answer the week 1 assignment questions and submit on or before the submission date i.e. 22-08-2018, 23:59 IST. You may access the content from the home page of the course, once you are logged in. You may use the link to access the assignment.
You may use the discussion forum for your queries related to the course.
Hope you have a good learning experience with this course
Happy Learning,
Progressive Web App (PWA) for NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Announcement for zero assignment
Dear all, the zero assignment for this course is available in portal, student can attempt assignments any number of times and the last submission will be considered for scoring. However, zero assignment performance is not considered for scoring, the intention of zero assignment is to make you familiar with this course.
Dear Learner:
Exam Session time: Forenoon: 9.00 AM -12.00 PM ; Afternoon: 2.00 PM - 5.00 PM
Last date for registration: August 27, 2018 10.00 Am (Monday) .
Mode of payment: Online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking or via SPOC of college
The hall ticket will be available for download tentatively in the end of September 2018. We will confirm the same through an announcement once it is published.
Final score on certificate: 25% of assignment score + 75% of certification exam score.
Award of certificate: Hard and soft copy of Certificate will be awarded only to those candidates who register for the exam, attend the certificate examination and whose Final score >= 40%
Please check the Announcements section of your course for further details on this.
The final score, assignment score and exam score will be printed on the certificate. The certificate will also have a link to the NPTEL website (, where on logging in, your scores and e-certificate will be available for verification (Appropriate announcements will be made). Please do regularly submit assignments to get a good final score.
1) FOR CANDIDATES WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRITE MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- you can add or delete courses and pay separately – till the date when the exam form closes. No changes will be entertained after that. You can register for a maximum of 4 course exams ( 2 on Oct 7 and 2 on Oct 28. Same day of exam – you can write exams for 2 courses in the 2 sessions. Same center will be allocated for both the sessions).
1. In the exam form, you will fill all the details and also upload photo, signature.
2. Ensure that you had selected your college name correctly from the drop-down list in the form.
3. Payment of exam fees - click on the tab - 'PAY VIA SPOC'.
The SPOC has to now confirm to NPTEL that he/she will pay fees on your behalf.
If the SPOC says NO, you will be intimated via email.
Then it becomes your responsibility to come back to the exam form and make the payment.
If you do not pay the exam fees within the prescribed time, you will not be able to write the exam.
Please read the instructions carefully before submitting the form.
In case of any queries please write to us at
Thanks & Regards,
Welcome to NPTEL Online Course: Introduction to Smart Grid