System Design for Sustainability - Oct 28th exam - score has been published.
- Login with the course enrolled mail id.
- Clicking on the course name will redirect to the score board.
- Click on Exam Scores - Both the Assignment scores and Exam score will be displayed.
- Final score is the certification score
Calculation Logic for each course is provided in the same page.
Note: For each course, reporting of issues comes with its own deadline (date and time) check the exam score/e-certificate as soon as you receive our notification.
Once the certificates are printed, reprint of certificates with corrections will be done only by paying additional fees.
To check the status of scores and e-certificates:
E-certificates will be available in 3 days after the release of the scores.
You will be informed via mail and SMS about the release of the results and the release of e-certificates
If you are unable to see the scores/e-certificates, please write to
If you want to bring any specific issues wrt the scores/e-certificates to our attention, you can file the issue in (
Feedback for System Design for Sustainability
System Design for Sustainability : Hall ticket for October 28, 2018 NPTEL Online Certification exams is now available for download
Week 12 lectures and assignment
Dear Learners
This is the last week of our course. We have the lectures divide in two sections.
Section 1: We will discuss about engineering design guidelines which can be used to design a product with better environmental performance.
Section 2: We will summarise the learning of the course by connecting all the concepts together.
The assignment, which is based on the readings of section 1, is due by 19th October.
Hope you had a good learning experience. Wish you all the best. We are looking forward to your feedback.
Thanks NPTEL Team
Sample Solution Week 7
Dear Learners
We have now uploaded a sample solution for project based assignment for week 7. In case of any queries, please get back to us.
Sample Solution Week 8 is online
Dear Learners
A sample solution for Week 8 project based assignment is now online. If you have any queries regarding the same, please get back to us.
Sample Solution Week 8 & Week 9
Exam and Certificate Format : System Design for Sustainability
Error on slide 38 of Week 11 Lecture 1 Notes
Dear Learners
There was an error on slide 38 of Week 11 Lecture 1 Notes. Now the error has been rectified. Please refer to this new notes.
Week 11 lectures and assignment
Dear Learners
We are now on the 2nd last week of the course. Hope you had a good learning experience. Do leave your feedback so that we can improve the course further.
This week we will discuss about engineering design guidelines which can be used to design a product with better environmental performance.
The assignment is a MCQ type Questionnaire and is due by 17th October 2018.
Wishing us all a very happy week.
LeNS Student Design Competition 2018
Dear Learners
This announcement is not part of the course requirements.
But all participating learners who are also students may choose to participate in this competition if they want. We already used the LeNS tools to design a bicycle sharing systems. You can refine the same and submit for the competition. You can also submit another project if you used the same tools. Here are the details of the competition:
The last date for submission is 31st October 2018.
Thanks & Regards
Sharmistha Banerjee
Week 10 lectures and assignment
Dear Learners
Nice to meet you all again. This week we will discuss about Sustainability tools designed specifically for particular domains. You will see how the underlying concept remains same but the tools change their nature and focus depending on the domain at hand.
The assignment is a MCQ type Questionnaire and is due by 10th October 2018.
Wishing us all a very happy week.
Sample Solution for assignment 6B
Dear Learners
We have uploaded a sample solution for assignment 6B. Please go through the same and let us know if you have any query. We can also have further discussion on the same during our next live session.
Week 9 Lectures and assignment
Dear Learners
Hope you are having a good and intriguing experience with the project. In case of doubts, feel free to raise a question. Here we present week 9 lectures and assignment. Week 9 assignment is in continuation of the project which started from week 6 and is the last week for the project. The aim of week 9 lectures is to understand the MSDS tools. You can draw some elements of the same for your project for the week. We also have a lecture on Sufficiency Economy and introduce you to the complicacy of performing an LCA of a PSS.
The assignment 9 due date is 3rd October 2018. The assignment can be assessed from your computer or laptop only. To reach the assignment, click on the course navigation bar on the left side of the screen. This assignment will be manually evaluated by the course instructor.
Week 8 Lectures and assignment
Dear Learners
Hope you are having a good and intriguing experience with the project. In case of doubts, feel free to raise a question. Here we present week 8 lectures and assignment. Week 8 assignment is in continuation of the project which started from week 6. The aim of week 8 lectures is to understand tools for strategic analysis of socio-economic ecosystems. You can draw some elements of the same for your project for the week.
The assignment 8 due date is 26th September 2018. The assignment can be assessed from your computer or laptop only. To reach the assignment, click on the course navigation bar on the left side of the screen. This assignment will be manually evaluated by the course instructor.
Assignment 6B and 7 submission deadline
Dear Learners
There has been a confusion on the submission date for assignment 6B and 7. We would like to clarify that:
1. Assignment 6B can be submitted till 16th September (due to the confusion some learners could not submit it timely).
2. Assignment 7 is to be submitted by 19th September.
LIVE streaming of NPTEL Online Certification Course on System Design for Sustainability
Watch now using the link:
Important Note - Week 6 and 7 assignment
Dear Learners
Kindly note that the week 6 and 7 project based assignment can be assessed only through your laptop/ computer.
Since it is a manually graded assignment, the software does not have the next button to go the assignment. After completing the video lectures, you will see the "END" button only.
Please reach the assignment by clicking on the link on the course navigation bar at the left side of your screen on your laptop/ computer as highlighted (red rectangle) in the image below.
Live Sessions
Dear Students,
Great opportunity to attend the first Live Session in the NPTEL MOOCs course “System Design for Sustainability” as per following details:
Date: 12 September 2018
Time: 05.00 PM
Post your questions early enough in
The live session can be viewed on (12 September 2018; 05:00 PM) by clicking the link:
Best Regards,
Week 7 Lectures and assignment
Dear Learners
Hope you are having a good and intriguing experience with the project. In case of doubts, feel free to raise a question. Here we present week 7 lectures and assignment. Week 7 assignment is in continuation of week 6 project. The aim of week 7 lectures is to understand tools for strategic analysis of socio-economic ecosystems. You can draw some elements of the same for your project for the week.
The assignment 7 due date is 20th September 2018. The assignment can be assessed from your computer or laptop only. To reach the assignment, click on the course navigation bar on the left side of the screen. This assignment will be manually evaluated by the course instructor.
Exam Registration extended till Sep 17, 2018 - 10:00AM !!
Exam Registration
Dear Learners
Who are aiming to register for the certification exam, kindly register for the exam as soon as possible to avoid last minute frustration caused due to heavy traffic on the servers.
All the best
Important Informations Registration for Exam
Dear Learners
The exam registration form is currently down and the team is working to fix it. Once it is up we will send an intimation and the form will be available for registration again.
The last date for registering for exam for our course is Sep 17, 10am.
Since the last date for exam registration for some courses is today, we request you to start registering for the exam for our course after tomorrow evening. Also, please don't postpone registering for the exam till the last few days to avoid last minute rush and disappointment.
Week 6 Lectures and Assignment
Dear Learners
Hope you are having a good time with the course so far. We are now in the 6th week of the course and will start a new journey with this week. In this week, we introduce to you a project based assignment. The project will run from Week 6-9 and give you a hands on experience in designing for Sustainability. Submission of the project assignment is to be done in 4 parts (one each week) as per the guidelines elaborated in the description of Assignment 6B.
The aim of this week's learning material are:
1. Understanding the challenges in implementation of S.PSS, the strategies and transition paths that can be used to change course to S.PSS.
2. Introducing design tools for S.PSS design.
This week has 2 assignments with due date of 13th September 2018. Assignment 6A is MCQ based assignment. Assignment 6B is the project. The weightage of assignment 6A is 30% and that of 6B is 70%.
1. After completing assignment 6A, you will see the "END" button. You will not be able to navigate to assignment 6B automatically.
2. To access assignment 6B, press the link on the left side bar (course navigator bar).
3. Assignment 6B will not be visible on your mobile and has to be done through your desktop/ laptop.
4. Assignment 6A and 6B can be done in any order.
Wish us a good learning experience together.
Lectures and assignment for week 5
Dear Learners
Hope you are enjoying the lectures. Feel free to ask questions if you have any. In the meantime we have now reached week 5.
The aim of week 5 lectures are:
1. Exploring Product-Service System (PSS) Design
2. Exploring sustainability in the context of PSS Design
3. Seeing the PSS precursors in the Khadi Movement
The due date for the assignment is 12th September 2018..
wishing us us all a happy learning experience.
Important Information regarding assignment 3 and 4 (even for learners who have completed the same)
Dear Learners
The assignment (MCQ and fill in the blanks) accompanying each week course content are auto-graded by the portal software.
Hence for all fill in the blanks questions, where you have to type a text, please be careful about the string that you enter. We have tried our best to code some probable alternatives but we experienced some troubles in assignment 2 with few learners keying in different variations of the strings than what we anticipated.
Please take care of the following while keying in your text input in the fill in the blanks questions.
1. Please use the exact phrase as provided in the lecture notes. The idea here is that you are able to recall the concept and connect it to its defining parameters. Example: Product-Service System Design, EVR, Spatio-Social Innovation. These are correct entries.
2. Please don't remove the space bar between words. Example: ProductServiceSystemDesign, Product&Service. This is incorrect entry.
3. Please don't put space bar between word-hyphen-word. Example: Spatio - Social, Spatio- Social. This is incorrect.
4. Please don't put two hyphens between words. Example: Spatio-- Social, Spatio--Social. This is incorrect.
5. Please don't substitute space bar/ hyphen (in case the lecture notes have hyphen between two words, like Spatio-social) between two words with any other character. Example: Spatio_Social, Spatio&Social. This is incorrect.
6. This formatting style is correct - Steel/ Material. (space bar after "/" symbol)
Please take care of these issues while answering assignment 3 and 4. In case of queries, please mail back to us.
Wishing you all the best.
System Design for Sustainability: Due dates for Assignment 3 Extended!!
Lectures and assignment for week 4
Dear Learners
The lectures and assignment for week 4 are now online. The objectives of the week 4 lectures are:
1. To learn how to conduct a LCA.
2. To design with a Product Life Cycle approach.
The assignment is due by 5th of September 2018.
Wish you a happy learning experience.
Extension for due date for submission of Assignment 2
Dear Learners
The due date for assignment 2 is now 15th Aug 2018.
Please note that both assignment 1 and 2 are due by 15th August.
Wishing you a good time.
Week 3 lectures and assignment
Dear Learners
The week 3 lectures and assignment are now available on the portal. Please go through the same. The objective of the week 3 lectures are:
1. To establish a relationship between the various approaches to Design for Sustainability and the application context
2. To learn Product Life Cycle Design - Methodcs & Stategies
3. To learn Product Life Cycle Assessment
The due date for the assignment is 22 Aug 2018.
Wishing you a good learning experience!
Lectures and Assignment for Week 2
Dear Learners
Hope you had a fruitful experience with the week 1 lectures. The lectures and assignment for week 2 are now live on the portal. The learning objectives of the 2nd week are to get an understanding of:
1. the evolution of the concept of Sustainability within the discipline of Design
2. the diverse possible approaches that can be taken for Design for Sustainability and the Sustainability potential of each of these approaches.
The due date for the assignment is 12th August 2018.
Hope you have a good learning experience.
Thanks & Regards
Assignment for Week 1
Dear Learners
Hope you are having a good time with the lectures already uploaded. We have also uploaded the Assignment for week 1.
Due date for the assignment 1: 2018-08-05, 00:00 IST.
Thanks and Regards
Lectures for Week 1
Dear Learners
Greetings from the NPTEL Team. Lets begin our amazing journey with this course on Sustainability.
We have uploaded four video lectures. The first lecture titled "Systems Approach to Design" is targeted towards those learners who are not acquainted with the idea of Systems Approach to Design". In case you are aware of the concepts related to Systems Approach to Design, you can skip this lecture and move on to the second lecture.
Learning objectives of the 1st week are to understand:
- what makes practices/ products/ services unsustainable
- why do we need to move towards sustainability
- various definitions of sustainability and sustainable development
- various approaches to Design for Sustainability
Assignment 0
Dear Learners
Welcome to the course on System Design for Sustainability. We hope to have a great learning journey together. To begin with our journey, we would like to introduce a dummy assignment to you. Marks gained in this assignment will not be calculated in the final marks. The idea of this assignment is to make you familiar with the MOOCs portal.
Thanks & All the best
MOOCs Team
Progressive Web App (PWA) for NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Dear Learner:
Exam Session time: Forenoon: 9.00 AM -12.00 PM ; Afternoon: 2.00 PM - 5.00 PM
Last date for registration: 10th September 2018 10.00 am (Monday).
Mode of payment: Online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking or via SPOC of college
The hall ticket will be available for download tentatively in the Mid of October 2018. We will confirm the same through an announcement once it is published.
Final score on certificate: 25% of assignment score + 75% of certification exam score.
Award of certificate: Hard and soft copy of Certificate will be awarded only to those candidates who register for the exam, attend the certificate examination and whose Final score >= 40%
Please check the Announcements section of your course for further details on this.
The final score, assignment score and exam score will be printed on the certificate. The certificate will also have a link to the NPTEL website (, where on logging in, your scores and e-certificate will be available for verification (Appropriate announcements will be made). Please do regularly submit assignments to get a good final score.
1) FOR CANDIDATES WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRITE MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- you can add or delete courses and pay separately – till the date when the exam form closes. No changes will be entertained after that. You can register for a maximum of 4 course exams ( 2 on Oct 7 and 2 on Oct 28. Same day of exam – you can write exams for 2 courses in the 2 sessions. Same center will be allocated for both the sessions).
1. In the exam form, you will fill all the details and also upload photo, signature.
2. Ensure that you had selected your college name correctly from the drop-down list in the form.
3. Payment of exam fees - click on the tab - 'PAY VIA SPOC'.
The SPOC has to now confirm to NPTEL that he/she will pay fees on your behalf.
If the SPOC says NO, you will be intimated via email.
Then it becomes your responsibility to come back to the exam form and make the payment.
If you do not pay the exam fees within the prescribed time, you will not be able to write the exam.
Please read the instructions carefully before submitting the form.
In case of any queries please write to us at
Thanks & Regards,
Welcome to NPTEL Online Course : System Design for Sustainability