A fun filled whirlwind tour of 30 hrs, covering everything you need to know to fall in love with the most sought after skill of the 21st century. The course brings programming to your desk with anecdotes, analogies and illustrious examples. Turning abstractions to insights and engineering to art, the course focuses primarily to inspire the learner's mind to think logically and arrive at a solution programmatically. As part of the course, you will be learning how to practice and culture the art of programming with Python as a language. At the end of the course, we introduce some of the current advances in computing to motivate the enthusiastic learner to pursue further directions.
Please visit www.scilabs.org/jocwiki
The portal is mainly designed for the students to interact with each other and enhance their knowledge. If you have any questions, please ask on this portal.
Important For Certification/Credit Transfer:
Weekly Assignments and Discussion Forum can be accessed ONLY by enrolling here
Scroll down to Enroll
Note: Content is Free!
All content including discussion forum and assignments, is free
Final Exam (in-person, invigilated, currently conducted in India) is mandatory for Certification and has INR Rs. 1100 as exam fee
UG/PG: UG and PG
PREREQUISITES: 10th standard/high school
INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Every software company is aware of the potential of a first course in computer science. Especially of a first course in computing, done right.