About the course
Basic programming; Data structures and algorithms
Sl.No. |
Topics |
1. |
Introduction to Databases |
2. |
Relational Data Model |
3. |
Relational Algebra: Basic Operators |
4. |
Relational Algebra: Additional Operators |
5. |
Relational Algebra: Updates |
6. |
Entity-Relationship Diagram |
7. |
SQL: Creation and Basic Query Structure |
8. |
SQL: Basic Operations |
9. |
SQL: Aggregate and Grouping |
10. |
SQL: Nested Subqueries and Sets |
11. |
SQL: Updates and Joins |
12. |
SQL: Views and Triggers |
13. |
Recap |
14. |
Database Normalization: Functional Dependencies |
15. |
Database Normalization: 1NF and 2NF |
16. |
Database Normalization: 3NF |
17. |
Database Normalization: BCNF |
18. |
Database Normalization: Multi-valued Dependencies |
19. |
Physical Design |
20. |
Indexing: Basics and Hashing |
21. |
Indexing: B-tree and B+-tree |
22. |
Recap |
23. |
Query Processing: Selection |
24. |
Query Processing: Sorting |
25. |
Query Processing: Basic Nested Loop Join |
26. |
Query Processing: Block and Indexed Nested Loop Joins |
27. |
Query Processing: Merge and Hash Joins |
28. |
Query Optimization: Equivalent Expressions |
29. |
Query Optimization: Joins |
30. |
Query Optimization: Joins |
31. |
Query Optimization: Estimating Sizes |
32. |
Recap |
33. |
Database Transactions: Definition of Transactions |
34. |
Database Transactions: Features of Transactions |
35. |
Recovery Systems: Types of Recovery Systems |
36. |
Recovery Systems: Log-based Schemes |
37. |
Transaction Schedules: Conflicts and Aborts |
38. |
Transaction Schedules: Serializability |
39. |
Transaction Schedules: Recoverability |
40. |
Concurrency Control Protocols: Two-phase Locking Protocols |
41. |
Concurrency Control Protocols: Timestamp Ordering Protocol |
42. |
Concurrency Control Protocols: Multiple Granularity Locks |
43. |
Concurrency Control Protocols: Deadlock Prevention |
44. |
NoSQL: CAP Theorem and BASE Properties |
45. |
NoSQL: Types of NoSQL Systems |
46. |
Graph Databases |
47. |
Big Data |
48. |
Recap |
Suggested Reading
Course url: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc17_cs33
Course duration: 08 weeks
Start date and end date of course: 24 July 2017-15 September 2017
Date of exam: 24 September, 2017
Time of exam: Shift 1: 9 am-12 noon; Shift 2: 2 pm-5 pm
Any one shift can be chosen to write the exam for a course
Final List of exam cities will be available in exam registration form.
Registration url - Announcements will be made when the registration form is
open for registrations.
Exam Fee: The online registration form has to be filled and the
certification exam fee of approximately Rs 1000 needs to be paid.
E-Certificate will be given to those who register and write the
exam and score greater than or equal to 40% final score.
Final score = 25% assignment score + 75% exam score
25% assignment score is calculated as 25% of average of Best 6 out of 8 assignments
Certificate will have
your name, photograph and the score in the final exam with the breakup. It will
have the logos of NPTEL and IIT Kanpur. It will be e-verifiable at nptel.ac.in/noc.