Re-evaluation of Assignment-2
Hi, When you check your assignment scores, some of you might have seen a score greater than 100 against your score for assignment 2. This was due to a calculation error in the backend and it has been rectified. Hence, assignment 2 was re-evaluated and now, your scores are out of 100. Please note this change when you check your score card/progress. For the registered candidates, hope you found the exam engaging. If you have any queries, you may post in the forum. Best Regards Course Staff
Feedback for Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics
Dear student
We are glad that you have attended the NPTEL online certification course.
We hope you found the NPTEL Online course useful and have started using NPTEL extensively.
In this regard, we would like to have a feedback from you regarding our course and whether there are any improvements, you would like to suggest.
We are enclosing an online feedback form and would request you to spare some of your valuable time to input your observations. Your esteemed input will help us in serving you better.
The link to give your feedback is :
We thank you for your valuable time and feedback.
Thanks & Regards,
IMPORTANT : regarding exam hall ticket
- If your photo or signature is missing in your hall ticket, you can use the same hall ticket but will have to carry one valid photo ID card to support your hall ticket.
- If your photo is mixed up another student's i.e. a wrong photo is shown in your hall ticket, then too you can use the same hall ticket but will have to carry one valid photo ID card to support your hall ticket.
- If there is a mistake in your name, date of birth or photo, please write to with your hall ticket number and the details of the course so that the changes can be incorporated in the certificates. If you do not notify them, the mistakes will be repeated in the certificates also, rendering them useless. So please make a note of this. There is no point in notifying the exam invigilators about this issue.
All registered candidates please make a note of the above information.
If you have any queries please post them in the forum.
Best Regards
Course Staff
IMPORTANT : regarding exam
Due to repeated enquiries regarding the exam, we are posting below the message from Dr. Sameen, which was previously posted in the forum for an earlier query.
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Assignment 10 solutions
Please find the solutions of assignment 10 uploaded at the link given below.
was the final assignment of the course. We hope that you have made an
earnest attempt to solve the assignments, as that would have helped
understand the concepts and the application side of this course.
those who have registered for the final exam, the exam consists of
numerical problems just like we had in the assignments. You will have to
type your answer in the text box provided below the question in the
online question paper. All required supplementary materials like Gas tables and the theta-beta-M chart will be provided with the question paper. You only need to bring your pens, calculator and hall ticket. No other items will be allowed inside the exam hall.
If you have any queries regarding the exam, please post them in the forum so that the other registered students can also view them.
If you have any comments/suggestions/doubts regarding the course, please post them in the forum.
Best Regards
Course Staff
Assignment 9 solutions uploaded
Please find the solutions of assignment 9 uploaded at the link below:
Please post your queries and/or suggestions in the forum.
Happy learning..!!
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Supplementary lecture on Oblique shocks : Shock Polar diagram & Prandtl-Meyer relation
We have uploaded a supplementary lecture on Oblique shocks which discusses the Shock Polar diagram and the Prandtl-Meyer relation for Oblique shocks. This is listed under Week 10 portions. These are topics not included in the syllabus and they are discussed for completeness. You can find the lecture at the following link :
Supplementary lecture on Shock Polar diagram & Prandtl-Meyer relation
Happy learning..!!
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Assignment - 8 solutions
The solutions of assignment-8 are uploaded at the following link.
Please post your queries and/or suggestions in the forum.
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Assignment - 10 is open
Assignment 10 has been uploaded. It contains questions on
Prandtl-Meyer expansion flow as well as the other topics we have
discussed in the course. The assignment is listed under week 11 portions
or you can access it here.
The due date is 16 April 2016, 23:59 hrs IST.
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Theta-Beta-M chart for problems on Oblique shocks
As we had discussed in class, you will require the theta-beta-M chart to solve numerical problems on Oblique shocks. You can download the copy of the chart we had shown in the lectures here. You may use for solving practice problems ans also for the assignment.
The chart will be provided for the exam. You do not have to take an individual copy for your use. No supplementary materials will be allowed inside the exam hall.
Best Wishes
Course Staff
week 11 lectures - remaining 2 lectures - published
As we had informed earlier, the final 2 lectures on Prandtl-Meyer flow and discussion on Prandtl-Meyer flow are published.
We hope you are aware of the ongoing assignment 9 which is due on 8 April 2016 23:59 hrs IST, which we had notified you earlier through our email which was sent on 30 March 2016.
Best wishes
Course Staff
Last chance to register for the exams - Don't miss"Register today"
Dear Student:
The registration for the certification exam is only open to students who have enrolled in the course.
Registration is extended upto APRIL 3, 2016 - 5 PM(SUNDAY) .
The certification exam registration URL is : http://nptelonlinecourses.
Only if you are enrolled in a 10 hr / 40 hr course you will be able to login here. After login go to the link - "Registration Open for 10-hr/40-hr April 24th/ 30th exams".
Dates of exam: 24th April 2016 (or) 30th April 2016
Exam Session time: 2 PM - 5 PM
Examination Cities: The exam is to be conducted in several cities across India whose list is available on the registration form.
Registration fees: Rs 1000/-
Mode of payment: Only online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking
The hall ticket will be available for download from 3rd week of April 2016. You will get an email once the hall ticket is ready.
Certificate will be awarded to candidates who register and attend the certificate examination. The scores obtained by the student in the assignments and in the proctored exam will be used to compute the final score printed on the certificate. The certificate will also have a link to the NPTEL website, where on logging in, your assignment scores and your score in the proctored certification exam will be displayed. Please do regularly submit assignments to get a good final score.
1) FOR CANDIDATES WHO WOULD LINK TO WRITE MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- Once the registration form is submitted after payment, no changes like adding or removing the chosen course, exam date, city is possible. So, if you are choosing to write 2 course exams, please choose suitably and make the payment. Its not possible to pay later for the second course. Once the payment is made, the registration form will be non-editable.
Courses with exam on April 24th/ 30th :
2) FOR CANDIDATES WHO HAVE GOT SCHOLARSHIP VIA YOUR LOCAL CHAPTER: - Students who have got scholarship via NPTEL local chapter can opt to pay individually using the above form. While doing so the reduced fee will automatically apply.
3) FOR CANDIDATES WHO ARE PAYING VIA THE LOCAL CHAPTER OF YOUR COLLEGE:- If you are paying fee via Local chapter of your college using the DD option, ONLY After the SPOC of your college has finished uploading the Bulk-Payment details for the April exam, please come to this form and add your signature, photo and certificate (in case of SC/ST). This step is mandatory fr generating the hall ticket.
4) ONLY FOR CANDIDATES WHO HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR 1 40-Hr COURSE BUT WANT TO REGISTER NOW FOR A 10-HR COURSE: This is not possible via the system as now the page will now be static. So you can send a DD to our office for the 2nd exam and send us via email with subject as "April Exam: second course registration" to with scanned copy of the DD, your registered application sequence number generated, the 2nd exam city, 2nd exam date and 2nd course name.
DD must be favoring "The registrar, IIT Madras". DD must reach our office address -"Attn: Ganapathy,
NPTEL Office
Webstudio, 3rd Floor, IC & SR Building
IIT Madras
Chennai- 600036
Phone: 044-22575905/ 08
Email:" before March 25th 2016.
If you have registered and need some changes/ want to report an issue, do it here:
Assignment 9 is open
The assignment on week 10 portions have been published. The deadline is 8 April 2016, 23:59 hrs IST.
The assignment is listed under week 10 portions. Or you can access it by clicking here.
Best Wishes
Course Staff
week 11 lectures published
The lectures for week 11 have been published.
This week we will learn about the phenomenon of reflection of oblique shocks and also do a couple of problems based on this concept.
We also cover the final topic of our course, Prandtl-Meyer flow in this week. 2 more lectures on Prandtl-Meyer function will be uploaded before the end of this week. We shall inform you when it is done.
The assignments on week 10 & week 11 portions will be uploaded soon. The deadline will be 10 days from date of uploading. Again, emails will be sent informing the opening of the assignments.
For those who have registered for the final exams, mark your calenders with the exam dates. Once you miss the dates, there will be no retests. Hope you have sincerely completed the previous assignments as that would help you in the exam.
As always, please post your queries in the forum.
Happy learning..!!
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Week 9 assignment
The assignment for Week 9 has been uploaded.
This covers the aspects of normal shocks that have been discussed in week 8 and week 9 lectures
Please post your queries and/or suggestions in the forum.
Happy learning..!!
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Have you registered for the certification exam? If not, do it today!
Dear candidate
Hope you are following the course and doing the
assignments. Here is the chance for you to get a certificate from the
IITs for the hard work you have put in.
Type of exam for this course: Online Objective
questions will be on the computer and the answers will have to be
entered on the computer; type of questions may include multiple choice
questions, fill in the blanks, essay type answers, etc
Calculation of final score: 40% of best 6 assignments out of 10 + 60% of Final exam score
So register today at:
Exam registration form closes on 1 April 2016 at 5pm.
More details regarding this have been posted in the previous announcement. Please check the "Announcement" section of the portal for this.
Legend for certificate:
1. The certificate for a student scoring lesser than 35% get the tag "certificate of participation"
2. A student who scores above 35% to 59% gets the Certificate for "successfully completing the course"
3. A student who scores above 60% to 89% gets the tag "Elite" printed at the top of the certificate.
3. A student who scores above 90% will have "Elite" tag and the gold medal printed on it.
Attached are also samples of the certificates you will get on writing the exam, based on the final score obtained.
Photos of Toppers in every course are published on the website website along with the name of the college/organization you belong to". Click here to take a look at a sample page:
Good luck!
NPTEL team
week 9 lectures published
The lectures for Week 9 are uploaded.
This week we will continue with our discussion on Normal Shocks. We will solve numerical problems related to Normal shocks and also discuss about shocks occurring inside C-D nozzles.
Please post your queries and/or suggestions in the forum.
Happy learning..!!
Best Wishes
Course Staff
assignment 7 solutions
Please find the solutions for assignment 7 at the following link.
Please post your queries and/or suggestions in the forum.
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Gentle reminder: Exam Registration for 40 Hr courses - April exams (24th/ 30th)
Dear Student:
Enroll today!!
Registration is open from 26th FEB 2016 (Friday) until 1st April 2016 5 PM (Friday).
The certification exam registration URL is :
Login here and then go to "Registration open for 40 hour April 24th/30th exams"
(Only if you are enrolled in a 10 hr / 20 hr/ 40-Hr course that started on Jan 18th, you will be able to login here)
Dates of exam: 24th April 2016 (or) 30 April 2016
Exam Session time: 2 PM - 5 PM
Examination Cities: The exam is to be conducted in several cities across India whose list is available on the registration form.
Registration fees: Rs 1000/-
Mode of payment: Only online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking
The hall ticket will be available for download from 2nd/3rd week of April 2016.
will be awarded to candidates who register and attend the certificate
examination. The scores obtained by the student in the assignments and
in the proctored exam will be used to compute the final score printed on
the certificate. The certificate will also have a link to the NPTEL
website, where on logging in, your assignment scores and your score in
the proctored certification exam will be displayed. Please do regularly
submit assignments to get a good final score.
The exam dates - April 24th/ April 30th 2016 is for all the 35 Courses (
18 40-hr courses and 17 10-Hr courses), so choose the certification
exams you want to write wisely.
2) For students who
plan to write certification exams for the 17 10-Hour courses that are
starting March 14th 2016, the exam dates are the same as the 40-Hr
courses i.e on April 24th/ April 30th 2016 - but the registration form
is not yet available. SO, If you are planning to write any 10-hr course
exams, PLEASE DO NOT do your exam registration for the April 24th/
April 30th 2016 40-Hr courses now as once payment for 1 exam
registration is done, the form will become static and you will not be
able to register for the 2nd exam- i.e 10-hr exam. PLEASE REGISTER AFTER
MARCH 15th 2016
MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- Once the registration form is submitted after
payment, no changes like adding or removing the chosen course, exam
date, city is possible. So, if you are choosing to write 2 course exams,
please choose suitably and make the payment. Its not possible to pay
later for the second course. Once the payment is made, the registration
form will be non-editable.
Courses with exam on April 24th/ 30th :
Students who have got scholarship via NPTEL local chapter can opt to pay
individually using the above form. While doing so the reduced fee will
automatically apply.
LOCAL CHAPTER OF YOUR COLLEGE:- If you are paying fee via Local chapter
of your college using the DD option, ONLY After the SPOC of your college
has finished uploading the Bulk-Payment details for the March exam,
please come to this form and add your signature, photo and certificate
(in case of SC/ST). This step is mandatory for generating the hall
If you have registered and need some changes/ want to report an issue, do it here:
Thanks & Regards,
week 8 lectures published
The lectures for week 8 have been published. This week we will be learning about Normal Shocks, one of the non-isentropic processes which were briefly discussed during the discussion of flow through nozzles. We will see the dynamics of flow across the shock and the shock relations connecting the different properties across the shock.
We will not have an assignment this week. The combined assignment for week 8 and 9 will be uploaded next week.
Please do post your queries/suggestions in the forum.
Happy learning..!!
P.S.: Keep an eye on the final date for exam registration, if you are
planning to convert this as a certified course. Plan and register in
advance so that you can avoid the last minutes troubles and tears..!! :)
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Assignment - 6 solutions
The solutions of Assignment 6 is available at the below link.
Do post your queries and/or suggestions in the forum.
Best Wishes
Course Staff
important : regarding week 7 ( this week's ) lectures
Please note the following regarding this week's lectures:
1) We have uploaded a supplementary lecture titled "Examples and Applications of flow through C-D nozzles", wherein we have shown a video of simulation of flow through a C-D nozzle.
This video also briefly discusses about rocket motors.
We aim to give you an insight into the upcoming topics i.e. shocks and expansion fans with this supplementary video.
2) We have updated the lecture "More on C-D nozzles". We had uploaded the updated the lecture yesterday noon. If you had viewed/downloaded the lecture before that, please view the updated lecture.
Hope you are keeping up the pace.
Please do post your queries/suggestions in the forum.
Happy learning..!!
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Exam Registration for 40 Hr courses - April exams (24th/ 30th)
Dear Student:
Here is the much-awaited announcement on
registering for the April 2016 certification exam. The registration for
the certification exam is only open to students who have enrolled in the
Registration is open from 26th FEB 2016 (Friday) until 1st April 2016 5 PM (Friday).
The certification exam registration URL is :
Login here and then go to "Registration open for 40 hour April 24th/30th exams"
(Only if you are enrolled in a 10 hr / 20 hr/ 40-Hr course that started on Jan 18th, you will be able to login here)
Dates of exam: 24th April 2016 (or) 30 April 2016
Exam Session time: 2 PM - 5 PM
Examination Cities: The exam is to be conducted in several cities across India whose list is available on the registration form.
Registration fees: Rs 1000/-
Mode of payment: Only online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking
The hall ticket will be available for download from 2nd/3rd week of April 2016.
will be awarded to candidates who register and attend the certificate
examination. The scores obtained by the student in the assignments and
in the proctored exam will be used to compute the final score printed on
the certificate. The certificate will also have a link to the NPTEL
website, where on logging in, your assignment scores and your score in
the proctored certification exam will be displayed. Please do regularly
submit assignments to get a good final score.
The exam dates - April 24th/ April 30th 2016 is for all the 35 Courses (
18 40-hr courses and 17 10-Hr courses), so choose the certification
exams you want to write wisely.
2) For students who
plan to write certification exams for the 17 10-Hour courses that are
starting March 14th 2016, the exam dates are the same as the 40-Hr
courses i.e on April 24th/ April 30th 2016 - but the registration form
is not yet available. SO, If you are planning to write any 10-hr course
exams, PLEASE DO NOT do your exam registration for the April 24th/
April 30th 2016 40-Hr courses now as once payment for 1 exam
registration is done, the form will become static and you will not be
able to register for the 2nd exam- i.e 10-hr exam. PLEASE REGISTER AFTER
MARCH 15th 2016
MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- Once the registration form is submitted after
payment, no changes like adding or removing the chosen course, exam
date, city is possible. So, if you are choosing to write 2 course exams,
please choose suitably and make the payment. Its not possible to pay
later for the second course. Once the payment is made, the registration
form will be non-editable.
Courses with exam on April 24th/ 30th :
Students who have got scholarship via NPTEL local chapter can opt to pay
individually using the above form. While doing so the reduced fee will
automatically apply.
LOCAL CHAPTER OF YOUR COLLEGE:- If you are paying fee via Local chapter
of your college using the DD option, ONLY After the SPOC of your college
has finished uploading the Bulk-Payment details for the March exam,
please come to this form and add your signature, photo and certificate
(in case of SC/ST). This step is mandatory for generating the hall
Thanks & Regards,
week 7 lectures & assignment published
The lectures and assignment for week 7 have been published.
This week we will discuss the flow through Converging-Diverging (C-D) nozzles. Last week we saw that when the flow through a converging nozzle is choked, the Mach number at the throat section remains at Mach 1 even if the back pressure is further reduced. With a C-D nozzle instead of a converging nozzle, the flow dynamics inside the nozzle varies. Learn more about this flow in this week's lectures.
The assignment 7 is due on 9 March 2016 23:59 hrs IST.
Please post your queries/suggestions in the forum. We will try to answer them within 2 days time.
Happy learning..!!
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Final Exam dates & registration
The final exam dates for all 40 hour courses offered by NPTEL
including our course, Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, has been revised to
New Dates : APRIL 24, APRIL 30 2016.
Time : 2 PM to 5 PM IST
The exam dates were earlier announced as April 24 & May 1 2016. The dates have been changed in view of May Day celebrations on May 1.
The tentative list of cities where the exam will be held is available in the link below.
The exact venues will be informed later.
The registration for the final exam will begin soon and we will inform you about the same.
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Assignment 5 solution
The solutions for Assignment 5 is uploaded in the link below.
As always, please post your queries/suggestions in the forum.
Happy learning..!!
Best Wishes
Course Staff
week 6 lectures and assignment published
The lectures and assignment for week 6 have been uploaded.
This week we will be learning about flow through converging nozzles.
The deadline for assignment 6 is 3 March 2016 23:59 hrs IST.
As always, please post your queries/suggestions in the forum.
Happy learning..!!
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Assignment 4 solutions
Assignment 4 is officially closed. Please find below the link to the solutions.
Happy learning..!!
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Regarding assignment questions and solutions
Hi all,
assignment questions from Assignment 5 onwards have been solved using
Gas Tables. Hence, for your practice, please use the same when you are
solving the assignment questions.
Another point which we would
like to bring to your attention is that, please choose the nearest best
option for your answers from the options given when submitting the
Best wishes
Course Staff
Assignments 2 & 3 solutions
The assignments 2 & 3 are officially closed. Please find below the links to the solutions of assignments 2 & 3.
Assignment - 2
Assignment - 3
Hope you found the assignment questions useful and engaging.
As always, please post your queries/suggestions in the forum.
Happy learning..!!
Best wishes
Course Staff
week 5 lectures and assignment published
The lectures and assignment for week 5 has been published. The deadline for assignment 5 is 25 February 2016 23:59 hours IST.
This week we will learn more about variable area adiabatic flows and the condition of choked flow. There is also a small session on how to use the Gas Tables for solving numerical problems.
Do post your queries/suggestions in the forum.
Happy learning..!!
Best wishes
Course Staff
Assignment - 1 solutions
The deadline for submission of assignment was 10 February 2016 23:59 hours IST. So officially the assignment submission has closed.
You can check your scores on the "Progress" tab on the top right side of the window below the "login" button. Do remember that you can view your score only if you login with your registered email id.
Please find the solutions for assignment-1 in the link below.
Best wishes
Course Staff
week 4 lectures and assignments published
The lectures and assignment for week 4 have been published.
This week we will learn the elementary concepts of wave propagation and the flow through variable area devices such as nozzles and diffusers. As we learn more about the compressible flows, I hope you all are able to keep up the pace as well as enjoying it. Please find below a link to a short, anonymous survey regarding the week 3 & 4 portions. You may opt to fill it after viewing this week's lectures or now itself. The survey is an effort from our side to understand what you feel about the course as we move into more core topics in the coming weeks. So please do not forget to register your responses, it hardly takes 2 minutes.
The deadline for assignment 4 is 20 February 2016 23:59 hours IST.
And, as always we welcome any doubts/suggestions/discussions regarding the lectures and assignments. Do post your queries in the forum.
Happy learning..!!
Best wishes
Course Staff
week 3 lectures and assignment has been published
Hi all..
The lectures and assignment for week 3 has been published.
The deadline for Assignment 3 is 15 February 2016 23:59 IST. Please follow the instructions given in the assignment for its submission.
Happy learning..!!
Best wishes
Course Staff
Lecture videos available for download at
Hi all,
The videos of all published lectures are available for download at the website in 4 formats : mp4, 3gp, flv, mp3.
This is the link to the course page. The lectures are listed under the "lectures" tab.
Best Wishes
Course Staff
General guidelines for accessing lecture videos and downloading lectures
Guideline 1:
Go to: https://onlinecourses.nptel.
Login with your registered email id and password, then on the left side of the page you can able to see the course contents and assignments.

Guideline 2:
If there is text version you can able to see a tab “Text Version” on the top of the video.

Guideline 3:
If you have limited internet access
Goto the Nptel website:

Best wishes
Course Staff
Join the Discussion Forum for this course
Hi all,
The discussion forum for this course is hosted at
those who are not members yet, please join the group so as
to be updated about the developments and discussions happening in the
If you are not able to add yourself, please post your
email id in this thread and we shall help you do so. (This could happen
for those enrolled using a "non gmail" mail id.)
Best wishes
Course Staff
Feedback for the course
Hi all,
It has been a week since the course has started and the lectures for week 2 have also been published. We would like to know what each of you think about this course. Please find below the link to the feedback form. Its an anonymous survey. Please take some time to enter your feedback. We are also looking forward to your suggestions and it can be entered in the form.
Please do fill the form.
Best wishes
Course Staff
Week 2 lectures and assignment has been published
The lectures for week 2 and the assignment from the topics covered have been published.
week we continue with revising the basic fluid mechanics and
thermodynamics concepts. Please do not miss the tutorial and the
assignment as each question has been prepared to demonstrate the
concepts you will be revising this week. This week's assignment contains
a handful of short answer numerical problems as well in addition to the
MCQ. Instructions for submitting the short answers have been provided
with each question.
The last date for submission of Assignment 2 is 15 February 2016 23:59 hrs IST.
I hope you all have noticed that the deadline for assignment 1 is
extended to 10 February 2016 23:59 hrs IST as the deadline for
enrollment for the course was extended to 4 February 2016 18:00 hrs IST.
As always, we welcome any questions from you regarding the lectures and we also look forward to your suggestions, if any.
Happy learning..!!
Best Wishes
Course Staff
deadline for assignment 1 extended
Hi all,
The deadline for the submission of assignment 1 has been extended to 10 February 2016 23:59 hrs IST as
the last date for enrollment for the course has been extended to 4
February 2016. The dates for registration for the certification exams
will be informed soon.
Best Wishes
Course Staff
Welcome to NPTEL Online Course: Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics
Dear student
Welcome to NPTEL Online Courses and Certification!
Thank you for signing up for our online course " Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics". We wish you an enjoyable and informative learning experience.
The course will begin on January 18 2016.
When content is released on the portal, you will get an email alerting
you. Please watch the lectures, follow the course regularly and submit
all assessments and assignments before the due date. Your regular
participation is vital for learning.
We will open registration for the exam 2 weeks after the course starts.
A form has to be filled and the certification exam has a fee, which
needs to be paid at the time of registration. Everyone who has signed-up
for the course, including those who do not register for the exam, will
continue to have access to the course contents.
There are two sections on the portal apart from the course content and assignment sections:
• The announcement list
which will only have messages from course instructors and teaching
assistants - regarding the lessons, assignments, exam registration, hall
tickets etc.
• The discussion forum which is
for everyone to ask questions and interact - If you have any questions
regarding the technical content in the lectures, any doubts in the
assignments or any question related to the exam, registration, hall
tickets, results, etc, kindly write about this in the forum and the
course instructor/TA will respond to it. Please use this well and
participate to benefit from the course.
Details regarding the course:
Name of the course: Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics (12 weeks : 40 hrs)
Course url: https://onlinecourses.nptel.
Course duration : January 18 2016 - 8 April 2016
Dates of exams : 24 April 2016 and 1 May 2016
Time of exam : 2pm - 5pm
Tentative list of exam cities:
Final List of exam cities will be available in exam registration form
Exam registration url - Will be announced shortly
Once again, thanks for your interest in our online courses and certification. Happy learning.
- NPTEL team