Courses » Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development


The course aims to equip students to develop themselves into a critically reflective and capable HRD practitioner, or a manager who can facilitate the learning of others. The major objective of the course is to explain and demonstrate the contribution of HRD in an organization and enable student to develop an ability to decide learning and training needs; and have competence in the design and delivery of learning programmes. Organizations are made up of people: their knowledge, skills, attitudes and interconnections. In order to survive and thrive, organizations need to facilitate the growth of all of these as part of a HRD strategy. Human Resource Development (HRD) is a key activity that systematically leads to the growth and development of people in organisations, and makes organisations more effective. The process of identifying needs and designing and delivering HRD interventions that are part of the course are crucial skills for all managers. The course will focus on the role of HRD in designing and implementing appropriate strategies in line with the business goals of their organization. The course will include topics related to design, development, implementation and evaluation of HRD programmes. In addition to HRD Process, it would cover a number of HRD interventions like coaching, mentoring, and counseling. The course will also address the competency mapping framework of HRD, role of HRD in career planning and development, organizational learning process and making organizations a learning organizations. Finally it will discuss about its role in developing ethical behavior and the future of HRD in Indian organizational context.


  • MBA/MBA(HR) 
  • All master level students interested  in Employee development and growth issues
  • Elective
  • PG Course
  • MBA
  • MHRM
  • MBA (HR)

  • Nil


  • IT Companies
  • R & D Companies
  • Pharma Companies
  • Manufacturing and Services sector

3569 students have enrolled already!!


Dr. Kailash B L Srivastava is Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences and Joint Professor in Vinod Gupta School Management, and specializes in the area of Human Resource Management and Development and Organizational Behaviour at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He holds a first class Master’s degree in Psychology from Gorakhpur University and Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, and has around 25 years of teaching, research, and training experience. He has taught earlier at BITS Pilani, and T A Pai Management Institute, Manipal, and also served as visiting faculty in XLRI, Jamshedpur (2002), and Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok (2005), and UNU Tokyo (2013). He has published over 45 papers in national and international journals and contributed 25 chapters in edited books. He has attended many national and international conferences, including IIRA in Berlin, ICP 2008 at Berlin, and Personality at work in Lunenburg, Germany ICP 2012 at Cape Town, SA and Yokohama in 2016. He has carried out a number of sponsored research and consultancy projects. He has supervised 16 Ph.D. theses in the area of Human Resource Development, Knowledge management, HR Issues in Mergers / Acquisitions, Emotional Intelligence, and Learning Organization. He is also a member of the editorial board of many national and international journals. He has conducted many management development programmes in areas of behavioural/ soft skills and human resource management and development, KM and innovation in learning organization, performance management, and research methodology. He is a board member of the Academy of International business (India chapter), and President of the National Academy of Psychology, India for 2016-17. His current consulting and research expertise are in the area of Strategic Human Resource Management, OD and change management, Organizational Culture, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Knowledge Management, Psychology of well-being, and corporate affairs.


Week 1: Introduction to Human Resource Development: Emergent of HRD, Critical HRD roles, challenges for HRD

Week 2: HRD in global perspective, HRD- Performance link, Strategic perspective of HRD

Week 3: HRD Process Model: identification of HRD needs and Design and development of HRD programmes

Week 4: HRD Process Model: Methods of Implantation, Evaluation of HRD programmes

Week 5: Employee coaching and performance management: Coaching to improve poor performance, coachinganalysis, coaching discussion, coaching skills

Week 6: HRD interventions: Mentoring for employee development: Role of mentoring in development,understanding the role and responsibilities of mentor, mentee, implementing the mentoring process,mentoring relationship,

Week 7: 
Employee counseling for HRD: Overview of counseling programmess, employee assistance programme, stress management, employee wellness and health promotion

Week 8:
 Competency framework of HRD: why competency mapping? Understanding the competency mapping framework, steps in competency mapping

Week 9: Career Planning, management, and development: Career development stages and activities, role of individual and organization in career planning, Issues in career management

Week 10: Intellectual capital (IC), its measurement and management: Components of IC, measurement models  of IC, IC index and challenges for HR 

Week 11: HRD, Organizational Learning, and learning organizations

Week 12: The future of HRD and HRD Ethics: Research, practice and education of HRD for innovation and talent  development and management, Role of HRD in developing ethical attitude and behavior and development,  Ethical problems with HRD roles          


1.      Werner and DeSimone (2006). Human Resource Development. Thomson Press, Network.

2.      David Mankin (2009). Human Resource Development, Oxford University Press: Delhi.

3.      Rosemary Harison (2000). Employee Development. University Press: Hyderabad.

4.      John P. Wilson (2005). Human Resource Development. Kogan Page.


  • The exam is optional for a fee. Exams will be on 22 October 2017.
  • Time: Shift 1: 9am-12 noon; Shift 2: 2pm-5pm
  • Any one shift can be chosen to write the exam for a course.
  • Registration url: Announcements will be made when the registration form is open for registrations.
  • The online registration form has to be filled and the certification exam fee needs to be paid. More details will be made available when the exam registration form is published.


  • Final score will be calculated as : 25% assignment score + 75% final exam score.
  • 25% assignment score is calculated as 25% of average of 12 weeks course: Best 8 out of 12 assignments.
  • E-Certificate will be given to those who register and write the exam and score greater than or equal to 40% final score. Certificate will have your name, photograph and the score in the final exam with the breakup. It will have the logos of NPTEL and IIT KHARAGPUR. It will be e-verifiable at nptel.ac.in/noc